Make Bathroom Granite Countertop Smooth Again

How to Fix Rough Spots on a Granite Countertop

Granite countertops frequently get a lot of utilise, which is why nosotros put so much thought and care into selecting them. From kitchen countertops where the entire family gathers to cook to bathrooms that are the host for a night of self-care, our granite countertops are the focal point of the home. And then when rough spots on granite countertops testify upward, nosotros notice immediately.

Wondering, "why is my granite countertop rough"? Granite slabs tin can become rough for several reasons, ranging from a low-quality stone selection to improper sealing or a lot of wear and tear. But that roughness doesn't have to stick around. With the right tools and steps, you tin fix your rough countertops for a smoothen end, and our experts at Granite Selection are here to tell you how.

Should Granite Countertops Be Smooth Anyway?

Should Granite Countertops Be Smooth

Granite is a natural material, and then is information technology normal for granite to have rough spots anyways? Actually, in your habitation, information technology'southward not. In many cases, when it comes to a countertop surface, granite is often smoothed to best integrate into the blueprint of your home and offer an fifty-fifty, clean surface.

While some may select a more uneven stone to match their dwelling's unique aesthetic, by and large, a smooth slab is used. This is for the purpose of functionality. Granite countertops, equally we said, are oftentimes used in high-traffic areas. This means they oft need to exist wiped down to clean up whatever spills and clay that tin can accumulate. If your surface is crude, uneven, or features chips and scratches, it tin can be harder to get really clean.

With this in mind, both designers and homeowners opt for smooth granite slabs to brand the sealing and maintenance process easier for a clean, sanitary infinite.

How to Fix Rough Spots on a Granite Countertop

While cleaning recently, did you stop and remember, "my granite countertop feels rough"? No worries, nosotros know just how to fix it.

Tools and Materials You lot Need

Before y'all become going on smoothing your countertops, there are a few things you demand to complete the process. The list includes:

  • Masking record
  • A filler of choice (this may be Epoxy resin, gummy superglue, or another filler y'all prefer).
  • Ammonia-based cleaner
  • 300+ grit paper
  • Razor or x-acto knife

At present you accept the tools, information technology's time to go through the steps!

Step one: Clean the Rough and Chipped Spots

Cleaning Spots on Granite

One of the primary downsides to rough spots on granite countertops, across the appearance, is that they will accrue bacteria. For this reason, it's of import to offset by cleaning the area with an ammonia-based cleaner and and then ensure it's dry out before moving onto the adjacent step.

Stride 2: Surround the Damaged Area with Masking Tape

To ensure that the filler y'all're using doesn't bear on the rest of the countertops, apply masking tape to surround the crude, damaged surface area. This will contain the workspace to but the areas that need fixing.

Step 3: Apply Filler

Now that the surface area is prepped and ready to go, it'south time to pour filler into whatsoever holes, chips, cracks, and rough spots. Be sure non to overfill – we want a smooth, even surface!

Pace 4: Let Dry

Now that you've used filler, you'll demand to permit the surface dry for at least 24 hours. In one case information technology is dry, yous tin remove the masking tape and any extra filler that may remain on the sides. To shine abroad the remaining filler, use a razor or x-acto pocketknife.

Pace 5: Polish!

Polishing Granite Countertop

Wondering, "how practise I polish a granite countertop?" It'due south pretty simple! To become your surface smooth and flawless, smooth information technology off with grit paper. Once you're done, clean the surface.

The materials you cull for your smoothing process can vary based on the granite countertop you have. In many cases, as long equally you lot are sure to make clean it showtime, this method will seal and concur for a smoother finish.

Should I Replace or Refinish My Granite Countertop?

Replace or Refinish My Granite Countertop

A slab may be irreparable in some cases, and simply knowing how to apply granite sealer won't exist enough. A stone is considered "irreparable" when it'southward covered in these rough spots, fries, or scratches that have significantly diminished the quality. So, what exercise we do and so? Replace it.

Granite is a highly popular countertop option as it is incredibly strong – withstanding rut and everyday utilise for long-term durability. But after years of wear and tear, it can kickoff to show its age. Between the ten and fifteen year mark and after a few repairs, it's likely time to just supervene upon your stone. While this does come at a price, it's worth it equally attempting to put multiple bandaids on the dings and scratches tin add together upwards over the years.

Non sure if you lot should only re-seal or fully replace your countertops? If you lot've already tried refilling the rough spots and fries and there are notwithstanding uneven areas and gaps left, it's time to supervene upon your stone. This is important to practice to avoid a buildup of bacteria and mold – something we absolutely want to avoid, especially in our kitchen!

Ways to Refinish Your Granite Countertop

Ways to Refinish Your Granite Countertop

If your countertops don't demand to be fully replaced quite however, refinishing them is key to warding off farther harm in the years to come.

In the process of fixing and resealing your countertops, clay and bacteria can build up, making it even more than important that you keep your surface super make clean. These loftier-traffic areas are certain to get dirty, especially later a night of cooking, but leaving them unwashed can cause even more damage in the long run.

To ensure your countertops remain stiff, we recommend deep seasonal cleanings. Additionally, ensure that you lot reseal your rock every two to three years. Having professional person work on your surface'due south resealing will ensure it'due south done with expertise, helping the repair last longer and farther avoiding a total counter replacement.

What does a perfect granite countertop look like? Check ane of our granite projects, and encounter it for yourself!

Granite Countertop FAQs Answered

Why Is My Granite Countertop Rough?

Did you take a look at your kitchen and reflect, "there are crude spots on my granite countertop?" This can exist due to a multitude of factors. From years of clothing to a lower-quality stone that was prone to or already had fries and cracks, at that place are a few things to consider when looking at a rough countertop.

One of the main reasons may be that you need to improve maintenance methods and re-seal your surface. With an extra clean and a professional'south help in resealing your countertops, you can become rid of those rough patches in one case and for all.

How to Apply Granite Sealer?

When it comes to how to apply granite sealer, nosotros accept all the must-know tips and tricks. First, you'll demand to thoroughly clean your surface to ensure all dirt and crud is removed and marking off the surface area y'all are focusing on. You won't want to starting time with a big area but a smaller, manageable space to ensure it gets actually fifty-fifty. Then, cascade the sealer, creating a sparse layer by spreading with a paintbrush or textile. Let it to dry, then clean it and buff away any backlog. Voila – your counters are sealed!

A professional team, similar ours at Granite Selection, can besides reseal your countertops with expertise that volition ensure long-lasting results.

How Do I Polish a Granite Countertop?

If you're looking to restore the shine in your granite countertops, polishing them is the answer. To do this, you'll demand a polishing foam or pulverisation specially equipped to smooth your granite countertops. Here are the basic steps:

  • Make clean countertops
  • Utilize granite polish (or make your own with 3 cups of warm water and ¼ cup baking soda)
  • Use a cloth to buff the countertops with the polish of your choice
  • Wipe clean

While it may take a flake of time, polishing your counters is a simple process that tin help maintain your countertops' appearance and durability.


If you've been wondering, "should granite counters have rough spots?" the simple answer is no. Rough spots, cracks, and other imperfections can harbor bacteria in your counters, and when it comes to areas we eat, this is a big no-no.

To ensure the smooth wait and feel of your countertops, also as their cleanliness. It's important to prepare those rough areas or replace your countertops completely if they are beyond repair.

Not certain what your counters demand, or looking for a professional to reseal them for you? Our team at Granite Pick has the knowledge and experience to go your countertops back in tip-top shape for many more years of bake-offs and family unit meals. If you're ready to repair your countertops, phone call us at 888-906-3317 today.


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