Kids Chore Icons Pick Up Toys Clip Art Kids

A little girl with her arms crossed and her mother standing behind her.

Coming upwardly with consequences for kids that work is non e'er like shooting fish in a barrel, especially when you're in the estrus of the moment and you lot merely need your kids to do what you ask (preferably without yelling)!

You need to find something that works and stick to information technology… if you want a beliefs to alter.

why children yell

Why Over-the-Height Consequences Don't Work

How many times do we (myself included!)make upwardly crazy consequences on the spot… "If you practice that again, we are not going to the beach!"  Or "If I hear that over again, no Idiot box for a week!"

These are non things that we want to do, so why do we say them?   We are in the oestrus of the moment.   Oftentimes, nosotros don't follow through with the outcome because we realize that it was too harsh for the action.   Nosotros realize that we overreacted.

We may realize that past punishing the beliefs, we accept at present punished the entire family (by taking away an outing, etc.).

The problem is that when parents or teachers practise non follow through on the consequence that was threatened, it tin can leave children with the thought that "It doesn't thing if they listen or not… since mom/dad isn't actually going to practice anything."

Annotation: While it is very important to follow through, in that location are times when we need to realize that we have over-reacted and we need to talk to our kid.

It is important to mention that if you lot practise overreact, don't exist agape to talk to your child. Show your child that you make mistakes, besides.   This can be a swell learning lesson.  "I overreacted and said things that I didn't mean, like telling you lot that yous tin can't get anywhere for a week."Your child can learn from your example.

Give Them Three Options

If yous ask them to practice something (clean upwards their room)and they ignore you, yous have iii options:

1- Get upset & lose your temper (I've been there)
2- Only do it for them because it's easier (yeah, I've been at that place too)
iii- OR… the simple tip that I want to tell you today. (read below)

A little girl with her arms crossed and her mother standing behind her.

How It Began

I came upwards with this idea considering of a situation that I plant myself in during my college years.  I was in a communications class and we were having a discussion about companies: the boss and the employees.

Our first word was about what employers could exercise to become their staff to abide by certain rules at work.

Brainstorming Traditional Means

  1. Telling them what to exercise.
  2. Sharing what other businesses practise, etc.
  3. Talking most the effect given by their boss/employer.

The Amend Idea

Afterward, my professor offered one other solution: what ifTHEY came upwardly with the consequences?Their own upshot?

Nosotros all looked a little dumbfounded. Look, what?

Creating their own Consequences that really Piece of work!

"No, really," he went on to explain, "Fiftyet me give you an example…"

Picture This Scenario:

A classroom full of college students (us), with a professor ready to teach (him) … and our prison cell phones start ringing.  They were constantly ringing during grade.

The professor stands upwardly and tells usa, "Although I need you to proceed your phones silent during class today, most of y'all will forget."

He and then asks, "What do you retrieve should happen to someone if their cell phone goes off during course? "

He waited for us to respond.

Nosotros all laughed and looked around, all the same a chip confused.


I remember thinking, 'Did he merely ask us what Nosotros think we should do if someone'due south cell phone goes off?'

The room was silent for a while considering none of u.s. had been asked that kind of question before.

Nosotros brainstormed.  We made lists.  We talked about information technology and came up with something that nosotros all agreed upon.  One thought.

Beingness college kids, we went for something funny… we would have to stand up on a desk and sing "I'1000 a Little Tea Pot" if our cell phones rang during class (I'm not kidding…this actually happened).

The Outcome

Only ONE person had their cell phone become off that semester.   It worked.  We created the consequence and nosotros knew exactly what would happen if we broke the rules of the classroom.

Why does it work?

It works because they are involved.  They are helping you to come up with the idea.  It will stick with them more than.  They will remember information technology more.  It works considering it is memorable.

It's memorable.

We created the consequence, so we remembered information technology.  You know the saying about how nosotros can kind of empathize things by hearing information technology, just when we are hands-on creating information technology ourselves, we remember it more?  That is the case hither.

Information technology's self-initiated.

This worked because as a team, we came up with a result that we ALL wanted to avoid.  At home, your kids tin dream upward a outcome that they don't want to do… peradventure a dreaded chore (like cleaning out a closet) or time out or losing electronics.

It'due south a 'line in the sand.'

'If you lot break the rule, this happens. No questions, no negotiations.'
No more nagging or going on and on near what you're doing to practice if your kids don't listen to you. Letting them come upward with the consequences helps to involve them and let them know that you value their input.

How to brand this piece of work (home or school)

This can piece of work in your home or in your classroom.  To begin, you will assistance the child learn why it is of import, how they volition earn or avoid the consequence, and and so you lot will come up up with ideas… together.

Set a Meeting.

Fix a coming together with the kids and talk about what you expect from them. Do you need them to assist out more by doing more age-advisable chores?   Do yous need them to end arguing with a sibling?
Whatever it is, talk well-nigh the beliefs.

  • Explain the difference between practiced behaviors and poor behaviors.
  • Explain what is acceptable and what is not acceptable.
  • Give examples of the deviation between positive and negative behavior.
  • The children need to walk away from this meeting understanding the house rules.
  • The child needs to know exactly what bad behavior looks like, so they will sympathise how to avoid consequences.

Begin Consequences

Spend a flow of time thinking of ideas.  In 15 minutes, you'll have a wonderful listing.

Brainstorm consequences with the kids (a younger child may need more than help/guidance, while the older child will probable catch on to this quickly.  You can write these on a sheet of paper as y'all are brainstorming (if you lot have older kids- let them add their idea to the paper).

Your terminate goal for this activity is to come up with one consequence (per kid) that works for your family.  Information technology may exist unlike due to the divergence in age, but you can also agree on one consequence for everyone if that works better for your family.

Make It Visible

When you come up with the upshot that your family agrees on (information technology might be different for each child), write it down.

Keep in handy for a few days (maybe on the refrigerator) until everyone remembers.

If you notwithstanding run into beliefs problems and your child blames information technology on not remembering, extend the fourth dimension that the new consequence is visible.  The amount of fourth dimension depends on the child.

Instilling Proficient Character Traits

Chores should not be overlooked.  They give your child a sense of purpose and they teach neat life-lessons.   I suggest using a chore arrangement that promotes the character trait of work before play, likewise as the importance of helping your family.

If y'all want to showtime chores with your kids, merely non accept to bargain with a chore chart, try these Swap Chores for Screen Fourth dimension chore cards. We take the cards & they are easy to keep up with.

They have worked wonders in our home.  It makes it easy to say "Ok anybody- please take hold of 2 task cards!  When yous have finished with the chores, you lot tin go play!"

chore chart

The Concluding Step: Follow Through

If yous want to run into a alter for the long term, yous are going to have to learn to follow through & stick with it for a long fourth dimension.   If any consequences are going to work at home or in the classroom, you've got to follow through and be consistent.

It takes three days to break a bad habit & 21 days to build a new one.  It volition be challenging at times, (trust me, I know!) but following through during those first three days are going to be the Primal component to creating meliorate behavior.

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teach your kids to clean their room

Cheers to our contributor Katie, a stay-at-habitation mom, for sharing her story with u.s. today!

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